Missions & outreach

Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19
Little Chapel is an outreach and missions-minded church.  We are committed to helping those who are far from God find life in Christ. We believe we are called to do that not just locally, but globally! Every year, we search for opportunities to support missions and to reach out to our community and share the love of Jesus.
Anna Roberts
Click Hope House in drop down box.
Becky Reeder
To donate to Becky's ministry you can email her at:
Beth Ellen
The Harlea Family
Joel Richardson
Global Catalytic:
Living Israel
Keegan and Claudia Meyne
Jerry and Christina Guerra
Type Gerardo Guerra in the search box.
Jason Harshbarger
Type Jason & Megan Harshbarger in the search box
The Fortress
The Yeoman Family
Select West Africa in the drop down box.
Restoration 61

Active Missionaries



Kenya, Africa  
Pastor Titus and his family help support a school for poor children and have helped purchase farm machinery and other things in the past.  Titus Khamala works with about 50 local pastors there, but his daughter, Sheila Khamala, has assumed most of the work with the school children.  

  John has about 50 pastors he works with.  Most of them are very poor, many of them live in mud huts.  John is 78 years old. 



Niger, Africa
Kris & Nicole are currently ministering under the General Baptists to this very poor, mostly Muslim nation.

We send monthly support to “Living Israel,” a messianic church in Israel.  They work with Jews resettling in Israel from other countries and also with Jews with addiction problems.


Normal, Illinois
Chi Alpha is a college campus ministry offering a variety of ways students can grow in their faith and also reach out to the community around them.
There are many other Missionaries and Outreach organizations that Little Chapel Church supports.
To find out how you can be a part of missions and outreach at LCC text "Serve" to 618-777-6779.

Encourage our active missionaries

Write an encouragement, question, or prayer and we'll connect you via email.